Wednesday, April 1, 2009

MIDEAST: Building New Bridges to Latin America
By Baher Kamal

This article published by IPSNews is dated in Madrid at March 29th, and it reports the convergence of an Arab-South American summit in the Qatari capital on March 31st to discuss key political and economic cooperation between the participating regions.

Although the final declaration drafted by both parties talks about increasing trade agreements in the areas of commerce, energy and technology, there is also a political aspect to it: the support of Latin American countries to an independent Palestinian State.

Trade between the two regions increased from 8 billion dollars in 2005 to 21 billion dollars last year, according to the director of the League of Arab States’ Two Americas Department.

According to the Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias, based in Caracas, Venezuela, this is “the first time the Union of South American Countries (Unasur) will participate as a representative organ, formed as a bloc of Latin American countries proposing the integration of the south with the Arab countries.” The agency reports that 34 Arab and Latin American presidents are meeting on the same date to discuss and undersign bilateral agreements.

How is this summit going to affect foreign relationships between Latin America and Israel and also, is this an indirectly forceful position against the US?

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