Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm back!

WOW! It's been a year almost since my last blog!
I apologize for being lost in cyber space. A long chain of events kept me from my active duty. Let's see:

Hola, amigos! A Plan for Latino Outreach
My new book is about to be published this year. I'm excited because it has received good reviews so far from well-know professionals in the industry.

Our website is being revamped as we speak. We will offer an array of online courses for several industries including Occupational Spanish training, multicultural competency workshops and webinars, and our new line of work, fundraising and development.

The Chroma Multicultural Health Communications Group
We have entered a new strategic partnership to help health care organizations and corporations achieve their goals in serving multicultural patients and eliminating health disparities. Three agencies and four strategic partners with over 100 years of experience in multicultural health, health literacy, cultural competency and cross-cultural communications. For additional information please call 732 299 9622.

So, as you see, we've been busy! Keep posted for more to come!

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