Wednesday, November 7, 2012

President Obama’s reelection, a gift we must protect

A great campaign and a great victory for President Barack Obama only give us a breather in these tough times.   
When I woke up this morning, I thought, “I could have been waking up   to a different world of concerns and despair, but today is business as      usual.” I felt huge comfort from my own thoughts.   
These months of campaigning and volunteering were filled with            moments of doubts and fear, as well as increasing faith that democracy was going to prevail. I saw it on the streets where we registered hundreds of young Black and Latino women to vote for the first time.

I saw it in the persistence of canvassers going door to door to in our state and in neighboring Pennsylvania. I saw it in the initiative of women to  go out and express their support for a President that was not only representing them but also their daughters, their  granddaughters and future generations of women taking control of their destiny.

Even when the campaign started at a low pace, it got momentum due to the reproachable behavior of the opponents. I believe Democrats got energized in indignation and in response to a campaign that was run on either buying or suppressing voters. 

This is the time of evaluating our actions, for Democrats and Republicans alike, and learn from our mistakes. The battle was fierce and the victory is sweet, not only because it feels good to be on the right side of history but because, as President Obama said, “It was the right thing to do.”

Now, after this breather of relief and celebration, we need to be more vigilant than ever of this democracy that has been so hard to maintain, and more protective and supportive than ever of our President, who will continue to find opposition and disdain. I believe the forces of evil don’t stop machination just because the People has expressed its will. 

Congratulations to all for a job well done!
Enjoy the victory but do not lower your guard!

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